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If you search for Emily Ratajkowski you will find many things about her on the internet but Emily is the definition of a hot girl that has been heating up social media with photos and videos of herself showing off her toned abs and legs during the last two years making her one of the sexiest girls around.
While the 32-year-old is one of the hottest and most in-demand models out there, you won’t find her counting calories or going on a fad diet to stay slim. Instead, she prefers balance, staying active and not obsessing too much about how she looks. Here are five ways she stays in shape and what health experts say about her regime.
1. She Drinks Turmeric & Beetroot Juice
“For me, it’s about feeling good about what you eat,” she told the New York Times . “I love turmeric and beet juices.” Turmeric is known as one of the oldest antioxidants. Indeed, it has been used as a form of medicine in Asia for centuries due to its ability to fight harmful inflammation in the body. Beetroot juice contains nitrates that are not only beneficial for heart health, but help dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow. Not only is it great for your circulatory system, but it can help your performance in the gym. So, beetroot juice can help you stay in shape by making your workouts more effective, especially if they’re endurance-style workouts.
2. She Cooks A Lot
Ratajkowski enjoys preparing a healthy meal and told Elle, “I cook a lot, so that really helps: You know how much salt and sugar and all that stuff you’re putting in your body.”
The problem with eating out when you’re trying to stay in shape is that restaurants want to win you over for their delicious food and generous portions that make you feel like you’re getting your money’s worth. We may also find ourselves eating more food than at home. . Either way, you have much more control over the quality of your ingredients when you cook most of your meals, which can make you healthier in the long run.
3. Attends Group Fitness Classes
The model likes outdoor activities like walking and hiking, but when she goes to the gym, she prefers group classes. “I’m one of those people who, if I go to the gym by myself, there’s a 50/50 chance I’m going to work out and really push myself, so the classroom environment works really, really well for me,” she said.
In a fitness class there are usually a varied number of participants who are at different stages of their wellness journey. This can help reduce the intimidation factor that comes with joining a gym. Additionally, most classes will always offer modifications that allow you to feel comfortable regardless of your fitness level.
One particular class that Emily Ratajkowski loves is Zumba. “I’m also someone who, even in a class, will chatter away and get distracted,” she told InStyle. “I think that’s the great thing about Zumba—the music really keeps me focused and in the zone,” she continues. “You just feel like, you know, Superwoman is really pushing herself. You end up working harder and it’s a better, more intense workout without even realizing it.”