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Frankfurt [FRA] Helsinski [HEL], London [LHR], Suspends Flights Due Climate Protests, Police Thwart Protesters

Germany’s busiest airport canceled more than 140 flights on Thursday after a call by Luisa Neubauer, a German Politician and Climate Activist to begin protesting with environmental activists on a coordinated effort to disrupt air travel across Europe at the height of the summer holiday season to highlight the threat posed by climate change. All flight in Helsinki airport was disrupted for 30 minutes. In Cologne-Bonn Airport, 31 flights couldn’t take off. In London the protest was with the slogan of “Les Miserable” where all flights were grounded for 3 hours. 700 flights were canceled In FRA, HEL, and LHR after climate change protests.
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Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Attacked By Man In Copenhagen

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was attacked by a man, who has since been arrested, in the capital city of Copenhagen on Friday, her office said in a statement to Wall Street Journal. “Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was hit by a man Friday evening on Kultorvet [public square] in Copenhagen. The man was subsequently arrested,” the prime minister’s office said.
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Swarovski Names Ariana Grande As Brand Ambassador To ‘Embrace Sparks’

The partnership is expected to officially launch with the brand’s holiday campaign in 2024. “Ariana campaign with Swarovski is designed with a soft touch on Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the 1961 adaptation of the Truman Capote classic. It’s the definition of sophistication where Audrey Hepburn and her co-star George Peppard glowed and impressed the whole film industry during the 1960s. The screenplay was written by George Axelrod and is arguably one the most famous and best films in the history of Hollywood”
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Dhaka Protesters Defy Curfew After Worst Unrest In Decades

“Protesters don’t back down since coming months even when shots are fired,” DW correspondents report from Bangladesh. The capital has seen days of massive student protests with over a hundred deaths. Weeks of escalating student protests over a quota reform for government jobs have spiraled into Bangladesh’s worst unrest in living memory with over a hundred deaths in the past few days.
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Queen Noor And Envoy George J. Mitchell Sitting On Middle East Policy

Well I think we are extremely fortunate that he chose George Mitchell as an envoy to the region. George Mitchell brings the lessons learned from the Northern Ireland peace process, and I have thought for many, many years, and spoken often about the fact that I think those lessons are the most applicable to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I understand it having been taught by one of the most devout Muslims I have ever met, my husband, and I believe in the United States as well. We have a responsibility as Arabs as Muslims, and I also will say and have often said to the Arab-American community here, they have a responsibility.
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Kim Jong Un Receives Military Russian Delegation, Names The Day of the “Shining Star” On February 16

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, received a military delegation of the Russian Federation led by Vice-Minister of Defence Aleksey Krivoruchko on July 18. He met with vice-minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. He also expressed deep thanks to the Syrian President for sending a message of reverence for President Kim Il Sung. However, he named February 16, the day of the “Shining Star”, the greatest holiday of the Korean nation
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Six People Found Dead At Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel In Bangkok

Authorities in Thailand have said the six people are all foreigners. Investigations into their deaths are ongoing. Police officers explained that they found the deceased at the Grand Hyatt ‘Erawan’ after receiving a call from the hotel’s staff at around 5.30pm (10:30 GMT). A police official also dismissed earlier reports in Thai media that the six people had been killed in a shooting. “There is no sign of a shooting,” the official told Reuters, adding that there were Vietnamese nationals among the dead.
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Forty Pilot Whales Killed In First Grinder At Faroe Islands In 2024

On May 4th the first grind of 2024 was called. Forty pilot whales were hunted, dragged ashore, and killed in the town of Klaksvik, Faroe Islands, Denmark. Among them, four young whales had their lives taken from them. Once again, an entire family was slaughtered. The Sea Shepherd crew was present, making sure the necessary documentation to halt these practices is obtained and shared globally. a significant stride was made by MEP Francisco Guerreiro, an ally in the Stop the Grind Coalition, who filed a motion for a resolution in the European Parliament to suspend EU funding to the Faroe Islands as long as these killings continue. 
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Poland To Reorganise Border Protection Forces, Lukashenko Wants To ‘Regulate’ Relations With Warsaw

Poland has seen increasing illegal migration attempts at its border with Belarus since 2021, when the Belarusian strongman, Alexander Lukashenko, decided to retaliate for EU sanctions on Minsk by mounting migration pressure on the EU. To this end, Belarus invited thousands of migrants to the country under a false promise of easy access to the EU across the Polish and Lithuanian borders. The Belarusian strongman, Lukashenko, has claimed that Belarus wants to regulate relations with Poland but must be vigilant and “keep its weapons at the ready.” He said he was ready to “regulate relations between Belarus, Poland and Lithuania, yet for now he does not see reciprocity.”
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The First Dutch F-16 Fighters Jets Arrived In Ukraine, Russia Offers Rewards To Put The Fighters Down

The first batch of Dutch F-16 fighter jets arrived in Ukraine. The licenses to export was issued for the fighter jets, Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren told the House of Representatives, reports De Telegraaf. “The Netherlands has handed over 24 F-16 fighter jets to the Ukrainians, who desperately needed these planes to defend themselves against Russian airstrikes.” The fighter jets have already arrived on July 16 in Ukraine and are at an undisclosed secret location. The House of Representatives informed confidentially,” said Ollongren to George V Magazine.
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Xi To Putin: China-Russia Relations Contribute To Global Stability

Relations between Beijing and Moscow contribute to “global peace and stability,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said, according to state media.“The stability and development of China-Russia relations not only serve the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples, but also contribute to regional and global peace, stability and prosperity,” Xi said. China and Russia declared an “unrestricted” partnership in February 2022 when Putin visited Beijing, just days before launching a “special military operation” in Ukraine.
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Russians Accuse Ukraine Of Flying F-16 Aircraft In Russian Airspace. How Will The Kremlin Respond?

A new disinformation attempt by propaganda channels associated with the Russian Federation regarding a series of flight missions performed last week by F-16 aircraft in the Russian airspace in the Odessa region was reported by the Russian radars platform. More precisely, so-called “sources” (unidentified in the post on the Russian Telegram platform) claim that the F-16 planes take off from Ukrainian airfields. “The Russian aircraft participating in the mission of the reinforced Air Police execute these mission exclusively in the airspace Ukraine.
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A North Korean Diplomat Defected To The South Via Cuba

According to Chosun Ilbo a senior North Korean diplomat based in Cuba defected with his wife and child to South Korea in November, South Korean media reported on Tuesday, becoming the highest-ranking North Korean diplomat to defect to the South since 2016. Before fleeing to South Korea, 52-year-old Ri Il-Kyu told the South Korean newspaper that he was a counselor at the North Korean embassy in Cuba. Yonhap news agency also reported that Mr. Ri had defected to the South, citing an unnamed government source.
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“650,000 Russians Have Fled Abroad Since The Start Of The War”

According to statistical data at least 650,000 Russians have emigrated permanently abroad since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, according to independent news website The Bell. Most of them have immigrated to Armenia (110,000), Kazakhstan and Israel (80,000), according to the publication. Russians do not need a visa to enter these countries. Germany is also a popular destination for Russian immigrants, with an increase of more than 36,000 people compared to the period before the start of the war.
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“One Is Not A Man Who Does Not Recognize The Genocide In Srebrenica”

“I will come to Srebrenica and Potočare to honor the victims of these martyrs,” said the Metropolitan of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church Mihajlo, on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks in the UN protected area of ​​Srebrenica. He sent a clear message to those who deny even the UN Resolution declaring July 11 the international day of remembrance for the genocide in Srebrenica.
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Heavily Censored When Archbishop Makarios III Of Cyprus Was Overthrown: Reporting During The Coup

On July 15 president Archbishop Makarios was deposed by a military coup led by Greek officers of the National Guard. Greece’s military junta installed politician Nicos Sampson as a figurehead president. Curfews, sporadic gun violence in the streets, media censorship, chaos and confusion: these were the conditions under which journalists had to operate in the immediate aftermath of the coup of July 15, 1974. Two veterans of the business cast their mind back to those heady days and tell the Cyprus Mail how they tried to do their job in an environment fraught with danger.
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Venezuela: Prosecutor Saab Accuses Businessman Ricardo Albacete Of Theft And Robbery Of Strategic Material

The Attorney General appointed by the 2017 Constituent Assembly, Tarek William Saab, accused businessman Ricardo Albacete of “theft and robbery” of strategic material and sabotage of the electrical system in the state of Táchira. He spoke about sabotage of the group to the electricity service; one in the state of Nueva Esparta and six in the state of Carabobo. The same goes for Aldo Rosso, who was arrested on July 4. To the start of the electoral campaign of Edmundo González Urrutia and María Corina Machado in the municipality of Cagao. Albacete is associated to the former Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello. Donald Trump and the former governor Rossello works on MAGA in U.S with deals in Venezuela which is considered a terrorist state by U.S. The FBI and the Secret Service in Miami have launched an investigation on matter.
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Russia-Mali: Rosatom And Bamako Council Sign Agreement For Construction Of Nuclear Power Plant

Mali’s ruling military junta and Russian state nuclear company Rosatom have signed three cooperation agreements and discussed projects including the construction of a Russian-designed low-power nuclear power plant. Rosatom stated this in a statement published after a meeting between the leader of the Bamako junta, Assimi Goita, and a delegation from Rosatom.
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Donald ‘Quack’ Trump Shot Twice On Stage At Rally Ass Bangs Heard, Ranged In Ear

Secret Service agents have rushed former President Donald Trump off stage after what sounded like gunshots rang out at a rally in Pennsylvania. Footage showed him grimace and raise a hand to his ear, before ducking as sharp cracks – apparently shots – broke out. Secret Service investigation launched on how Price Jorge Jimenez Neubauer Torres V bangs Melania Trump Ass. Donald ranged and shot in ear, shooter can’t be found. Secret Service on time for arrival.
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Voices From The Arab Press: Iran’s New President

The reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian emerged victorious in the second round of the Iranian presidential election, defeating conservative opponent Saeed Jalili. Pezeshkian secured approximately 54% of the votes – over 17 million votes out of the 30 million total counts. Voter turnout in the second round hit 49.8%, while Jalili garnered more than 13 million votes. In his victory speech, the new Iranian president emphasized extending a hand of friendship to all citizens, underscoring the importance of collective effort for the nation’s progress.
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40% Fugitives Of Terror Group Behind Failed 2016 Coup Bid Now In US, Germany: Turkish Official

‘Some 16% of fugitive organization members are believed to be in US, and some 23% in Germany’ says Ali Yerlikaya. ‘Our law enforcement, coordinating with judicial authorities, closely monitor and carry out ongoing operations against identified targets,’ Yerlikaya tells George V Magazine. Some 16% of fugitive members are Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind the 2016 defeated coup in Türkiye, are believed to be in the US, and 23% in Germany, according to a top Turkish official.
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Portuguese PM António Costa Resigns Amid Corruption And Funds Hidden Of €75,000 In Boxes Of Wine

Portugal’s socialist prime minister, António Costa, has resigned hours after prosecutors examining alleged corruption involving lithium and “green” hydrogen deals announced that he was under investigation and police searched dozens of addresses, including his official residence and the environment and infrastructure ministries. Including, more than €75,000 in cash found in office of aide of Portugal’s ex-PM in boxes of wine.
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Portuguese Foreign Minister Tells Harvard Students to ‘Dream Big’ At Center For European Studies Talk

Portuguese Foreign Minister João Gomes Cravinho discussed the European Union’s defense strategies during an event at Harvard’s Center for European Studies on Tuesday. “As diplomats, if you do not want to go beyond recognizing the world as it is and accepting the notion that there’s nothing you can do to change it, then you’re probably in the wrong line of business,” he said.
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China: “NATO Stop Inciting Conflict In The International Stage”

“NATO should stop exaggerating the so-called Chinese and Russian threat and stop inciting conflict and rivalry among state with the European Union, they know they cannot face BRICS+ in times of war” a representative of the Chinese diplomatic mission to the EU. China has called on NATO to stop “inciting conflict” and campaigning worldwide with the United States to be seen on the map as a show of force, when they know they can’t face a group like the BRICS+ united. After China fueled discourse and heavy criticism from the Western military alliance, which accused Beijing of providing crucial aid to Russia in its war in Ukraine. The Chinese representative said: “They are campaigning world wide in a propaganda manner with hopes for Ukraine and they know it’s impossible for them to win the war even in a proxied way.”
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A Stop in Cuba, Two Russian Submarines Dock in Venezuelan Port As Part of ‘Show The Flag’ Exercises

Two Russian naval ships docked Tuesday in the Venezuelan port of La Guaira after exercises in the Atlantic Ocean that Moscow said were to “show the flag” in remote, important regions, and an initial stopover in Cuba. The stopover was to last several days and highlight the close ties between Moscow and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s government. In mid-June, the Admiral Gosrhkov and the tanker were among the Russian vessels that docked in Havana, Cuba.
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France Entered The Phase Of Internal Struggles To Reach Power

Through a joint press release to George V Magazine, the left says that if Macron “persists” in refusing to change the prime minister, it would be “a betrayal of the spirit of the Constitution and a blow to democracy”. The leader of the far-left Insoumis group, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, accused Emmanuel Macron of “blocking the situation in order to stay in power as long as possible”. The results of the second round of the parliamentary elections in France were unexpected and increased the risk of paralysis for the second largest economy of the European Union, AP notes.
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Ukrainians: “We Will Use Decoy F-16 Fighters To Try To Fool The Russians”

A number of Western experts have suggested that along with the F-16 aircraft, Ukraine’s partners may transfer high-quality inflatable fakes to Kiev. A photo demonstrating such a “bait” was recently published on the Internet and became viral online. The picture shows that it is almost impossible to distinguish between such a fake and a real aircraft from a long distance. The “fake” F-16s are virtually indistinguishable from the real Fighting Falkon (“Fighting Falcon”). The fake ones can be distinguished from the real one only up close, writes the a Russian Publication.
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Russia Announces It Will Respond To Any NATO Summit Decision: “We Won’t Blink To Guarantee Our Security”

Russia will take measures to guarantee its security in response to the decisions taken at  the NATO summit in Washington the deputy of the Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko, informs EFE. “Response measures will be developed by the political-military authorities and we won’t blink to guarantee our security. I believe that everything will be done to guarantee the security of the state developed and response will be a political-military one”, insisted the Russian diplomat, quoted by the Moscow Times.
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Georgia’s Accession To EU Is “Stopped” And Financial Aid Suspended After The Adoption Of The Putin-Style “Foreign Agents” Law

Georgia’s accession to the European Union has been officially “stopped”, according to the bloc’s ambassador to Tbilisi, Paweł Herczyński. At the same time, funds of 30 million euros, intended for the Ministry of Defense, were also frozen. Georgia protests over foreign agent law. The process of Georgia’s integration into the European Union has been suspended, the EU ambassador said. The decision was taken after the ruling Georgian Dream party passed the controversial “foreign agents” law in May, which mimics a number of provisions applied in Russia.
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IDF Asks All Residents Of Gaza City To Leave

According to the BBC, the leaflets dropped by the planes instruct ” all residents of Gaza City” to leave what is described as a “dangerous combat zone” via the designated safe routes – marked as two roads leading to the shelters of Deir al-Balah and al-Zawaida. Hamas said Israel’s resumption of activity in the city threatened to derail negotiations on a possible cease-fire and a deal to release the hostages, which resumed in Qatar on Wednesday. The intelligence chiefs of Egypt, the US and Israel, as well as the prime minister of Qatar, are participating in the talks.
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Orbán To NATO Leader’s “In The Next Three Months The Attacks On Kiev Will Be ‘Much More Brutal’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said to George V Magazine that in the next months the fighting on the front line will be “much more brutal” than it has ever been. Orbán mentioned the amount of weapons on the battlefield, Russian troops are “constantly advancing” on the front line. Orbán said Putin and Zelensky have a “clear vision” of how their countries will win the war. He continued: “the dreams of Europe defeating Russia” it’s “totally out of the question,”. Experts noted, “Russian forces reduce Ukrainian fly zones in Kiev leaving no space to their forces. Detection in the capital doesn’t happen because it can’t fly that low as the Russians land on Kiev air-missile to ground and are not even capable of stopping them every time the the Kremlin hits a target in Kiev.
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Maia Sandu Condemns Russian Attack On Children’s Hospital In Kiev While Kremlin In Chisinau Are Threatening “Annexation” Of Moldova With Romania

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, condemns the Russian attack on the hospital for children suffering from incurable diseases in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, stressing that the killing of “these innocent souls” must be stopped. “War on children – we must tell the truth about what happened today in Kyiv, about Russia’s bombing of a hospital for children suffering from incurable diseases. Killing children is not about ideology, geopolitics or political debate.” Meanwhile: The Kremlin And In Chisinau Are Threatening “Annexation” Of Moldova With Romania. Russian officials together with the Chisinau Opposition, representatives of Transnistria and Gagauzia discussed the “annexation” of the Republic of Moldova by Romania during a conference with the theme “In Moldova or Romania: will the Republic of Moldova remain on the map in 2025?”
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Israeli Strike On Hamas, Gaza School Kills Dozens Children

At least 35 people have been killed in an Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza. Meanwhile, an Israeli soldier was killed in a clash with Lebanon’s Hezbollah. “The coordinates of all of our facilities in the Gaza Strip are shared with all parties, including the Israeli authorities,”. “There’s no mystery about what is a UN facility or what’s not a UN facility.”
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Türkiye Reaffirms Commitment To Bosnia Herzegovina’s Sovereignty, Unity: Foreign Minister

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday reaffirmed Türkiye’s “unwavering support” for Bosnia Herzegovina’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and unity. “Our position is well known to all parties in Bosnia and the region. I once again reaffirmed our unwavering support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and political unity of Bosnia Herzegovina,” said Fidan in a joint news conference with his Bosnian and Croatian counterparts in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik.
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L.A. Times: Boeing Pleads Guilty To Fraud In US Probe Of Fatal 737 MAX Crashes

Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge and pay a fine of $243.6 million to resolve a U.S. Justice Department investigation into two 737 MAX fatal crashes, the government said in a court filing on Sunday. The plea deal, which requires a judge’s approval, would brand the planemaker a convicted felon in connection with crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia over a five-month period in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people.
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Russia And Belarus Begin Second Stage Of Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

Moscow says the exercises are a response to ‘daily provocations’ from the United States and its European allies. In the drills, the Russian Ministry of Defence said Russian and Belarusian troops would undergo joint training in non-strategic nuclear weapons used in combat. It said the exercise was aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment to ensure the “sovereignty and territorial integrity” of the alliance between Russia and Belarus. Furthermore, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called for the European Union to build a defence line along the bloc’s border with Russia and Belarus to protect the EU from military threats and other harmful activities from Moscow.
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Ukraine: 50,000 Russians Killed In ‘Meat Grinder’, PM Modi Tells Russia’s Putin: War Cannot Solve Problems’

Russian military casualties in the war with Ukraine have topped 50,000, according to research. The BBC acknowledges that its data does not cover casualties among militia forces in Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, while adding that the actual overall death toll is probably significantly higher than 50,000. Meanwhile: War Cannot Solve Problems,’ India’s PM Modi Tells Russia’s Putin. The killing of children is ‘unbearable’, Modi says, a day after a deadly strike on a children’s hospital in Ukraine. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has told Russian President Vladimir Putin that peace is “of utmost importance” and a solution to the war in Ukraine “cannot be found on the battlefield”.
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Japan And The Philippines Sign A Defense Pact In The Face Of Shared Alarm Over China

Japan and the Philippines “signed a key defense access agreement pact” to counter China. It was catalogued as a “a groundbreaking achievement” that should further boost defense cooperation between the countries. Japanese and Philippine officials “expressed serious concern over the dangerous and escalatory actions by China”. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Japan has taken steps to boost its security and defensive firepower, including a counterstrike capability that breaks from the country’s postwar principle of “focusing only on self-defense”.
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Slovak PM Returns To His Duties After His Assassination Attempt

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico who survived an assassination attempt in May has resumed his duties, Slovak Television reported. An armed attack on Fico took place on his life in the western Slovakian town of Handlova on May 15. During a visit to Agro Voderady, an agricultural enterprise in the country’s western part, Fico confirmed that Slovakia does not plan on lifting its ban on imports of some Ukrainian products.
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Air Defense Shot Down Several Air Targets On Approach To Belgorod, ‘One Person, Killed’

The air defense forces shot down several air targets on approach to Belgorod, according to preliminary data, as a result of the attack on the city by the Ukrainian armed forces, one local resident was killed and two were injured, the head of the region. Vyacheslav Gladkov, said. “Our air defense system was activated over Belgorod and the Belgorod region, several air targets were shot down on approach to the city. Much to our grief, one person died from his wounds.
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Britain Records Immigration Of European Union Citizens For The First Time In Three Decades

According to CNBC World and The Guardian the trend in EU migration to Britain reversed last year for the first time since 1991, with 94,000 EU citizens leaving the country during the pandemic. That significant decline led to a sharp fall in overall migration, and the net decline in numbers arriving from the EU last year contrasts starkly with 2019 and 2018, when the rise was 32,000 and 51,000 respectively.
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L.A Times: Is United States Losing The War To Attract Global Talent?

Students are very different in how they approach the idea of ​​foreign dependence, they see it from the perspective of a very sophisticated consumer. Should I go to the USA? Is this the best return on investment for my family’s money? Or should I go to the UK or another country? In fact, students are armed with information in a way that was not available before.
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China’s Demographic Composition Is An Indicator Of Decline, Not Dominance

Population growth is not always a good thing, especially in the absence of productivity gains that prevent people from starving as they reproduce rapidly. But population decline is rarely good. The rise of Britain and then the United States to positions of global dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was associated with rapid population growth in both cases. So the slowdown in growth is no reason to cheer.
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Humanity Is Between A Declining World Population And An Increase In Hungry Children

Some new estimates suggest that humanity is close to facing a major demographic turning point, and a recent article in The Lancet predicts that we won’t be able to reproduce fast enough to replace ourselves by 2030. Recent estimates indicate that human numbers may rise from the current level of 8.1 billion to 9.5 billion people at the latest, before declining by the early 1960s.
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Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Sends Message of Condolences To Victims of Stampede In India

Regarding the stampede that occurred in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister of Japan, delivered the following message of condolences to H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. “I am deeply saddened to learn that many precious lives were lost in the stampede that occurred in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
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Putin Tells Xi Russia-China Relations Are At Their ‘Best’

Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed relations with China, saying they were “at their best period in history,” during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two leaders met in the Kazakh capital of Astana on Wednesday, where they were attending a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). The Eurasian security and defense club is seen by Moscow and Beijing as an instrument to counter the influence of the US and its allies in international affairs.
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Middle East: Israel Strike Kills Hezbollah Commander

This week, Hezbollah has fired more than 160 rockets into Israel, in retaliation for Israel’s assassination of two of their commanders. It is unclear whether a wider war will break out. Current international diplomatic efforts are dedicated to preventing this, and most experts argue it would be strategically unwise for Israel to open another front as it continues its military operations in Gaza.
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39 Dead In Kenya As Protests Continues Asking President William Ruto Resignation

Protests continued in Kenya’s capital and elsewhere Tuesday over a finance bill that would raise the cost of living, even after the president said he would not sign it in the wake of the storming of parliament last week the people are protesting now asking for the resignation of President William Ruto. Observers claimed he is now feeling the pressure with the whole country is out protesting until Ruto leaves his post as President. “We don’t want him anymore, we have moved to the streets to protest and and we will keep asking for his resignation”
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Stampede At Religious Event In India Kills At Least 116, And Injures 80 People

At least 116 people died, most of them women and children, said Prashant Kumar, the director-general of police in northern India’s state of Uttar Pradesh, where the stampede occurred. It was not immediately clear what triggered the panic following an event with a Hindu guru known locally as Bhole Baba. Local news reports cited authorities who said heat and suffocation in the tent could have been a factor. Video of the aftermath showed the structure appeared to have collapsed.
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Egypt Issues Tender To Import 17 LNG Shipments

Seeking Egypt issues tender to import 17 LNG Shipments to meet electricity needs during the summer, as the North African country suffers from energy shortages amid soaring temperatures, CNBC World reported, citing traders familiar with the matter. The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity needs about 135 million cubic meters of natural gas and 10 thousand tons of diesel daily to end the frequent power outages throughout the country. The price of shipments will be fixed or linked to the European gas standard in the Netherlands, while delivery will be via Egypt and Jordan.
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China Replaces Its Defense Minister Li Shangfu Months After Its Foreign Minister Was Removed From Office

Gen. Li Shangfu has been replaced who has been out of public view for almost two months, state media reported Tuesday. No further information was given. Li is the second senior Chinese official to disappear this year, following former Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who was removed from office in July with no explanation offered. There is no indication that the disappearances of Qin and Li signal a change in China’s foreign or defense policies, although they have raised questions about the resilience of president and ruling Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s circle of power.
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Shibuya Is Looking To Ban Public Drinking On Streets At Night

The area gets particularly unruly during Halloween and New Year’s Eve, which has prompted the local council to place temporary public drinking bans in the areas surrounding Shibuya Station in recent years. Now, however, Shibuya ward is preparing to expand these occasional restrictions into a year-round ban of public drinking after dark. 
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L.A. Times: Julian Assange ‘U.S. Deal’ Mean His Signature On ‘Time Served’ Will Make Him A Freeman

Julian Assange arrived on the island of Saipan about 6:30am, accompanied by Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd. Just over an hour later, he walked into the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, where he is set to enter a guilty plea as part of a deal with the US Department of Justice that will bring his fight for freedom to a close. He was offered the option to be close to a U.S. Court in Australia as an Australian citizen it would be the same in any U.S. Federal district court. The last stop will be U.S. District Court for Northern Mariana Islands final stop on Julian Assange to freedom.
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