Sex In The Shower Or Bath: There Are More Disadvantages, But There Are Also Advantages

Let’s be honest, sex is a fun activity that leaves marks. Sometimes there are a lot of traces. Sometimes, instead of hugging peacefully, you have to run for napkins or a towel. Or even turn on heavy harvesting artillery. In the shower, the mess disappears almost instantly, and you remain squeaky clean!
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The main thing is not to break your own or your partner’s neck

One of the most fun parts of sex with a regular partner is trying new things. Some of them can be put in the category “tried it once and never again” – substitute what you need here, everyone here is adults. And then there’s a whole pool of erotic games that seem to be either the best or the absolute worst – shower sex is one of those things. This exciting scene appears in so many films that you might think it is a common, everyday occurrence. And absolutely beautiful. In reality, this is not the case at all. There are pros and cons.

Pro: Feeling close to your partner

Usually during sex, your partner helps you undress, you can turn off the light and hide under the blanket – at any stage you can “hide” or try to take a more advantageous position.


“But before you shower with him, you take off your clothes and stand there waiting for the water to heat up. However, this is not a minus. It’s hard not to feel close but also vulnerable to each other when you’re both naked and in a confined space. There is nothing better than bonding in a meter by meter bathtub – because there are simply no other options! This definitely strengthens the relationship,” says sexologist Helena Smith.

Plus: You can escape from the bedroom where the child is snoring peacefully

The housing problem can ruin not only the residents of the capital, but everyone in general. What kind of erotic games are there if a child of any age shares the bedroom with you? Or parents behind a thin wall. In general, this is quite an alternative for peaceful (or however it goes) solitude.

Disadvantage: Very limited choice of poses

“You shouldn’t try acrobatic poses, otherwise you might fall. You might just switch to oral sex, since intercourse in the shower can be difficult. You can’t lie on the floor in the shower, so, in fact, the only working option is the standing “spoon” pose, and it is not suitable for all couples for a number of reasons,” warns Helena.


Cons: Water is NOT a lubricant.

What men often don’t realize when making love in water is that it does exactly the opposite of what they think. Water effectively dries out all this wonderful natural lubrication, making sex in the shower sometimes painful for girls who do not produce this lubrication naturally. And don’t even think about putting soap on it to “make it more slippery,” fellow men. Do you even know what pH balance is?

Disadvantage: Limited contraception

“If you’re still using condoms, sex in the shower may not be for you. Condoms have not been tested to withstand showers with hot water mixed with soap, shampoo or anything else. So if you use condoms, stay in the bedroom, so there is a higher chance that you won’t ‘accidentally’ get pregnant,” says Helena.

And finally, don’t blame yourself if things don’t work out for you – many people don’t have anything interesting going on in their souls. Instead, focus on how to enjoy sex more in more familiar settings.

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