Read More About How We Work

George V Magazine mission is to offer independent journalism and cultural experiences. We exist for all of United Kingdom’s residents and we will portray exactly your everyday life and reality. In this way, we get more voices and stronger stories for greater understanding.

Our mission is decided by the broadcasting license from the government of United Kingdom that sets the framework for what we are going to do. It is based on a broad political view that public service is a collective democratic benefit that benefits all citizens.

George V Magazine’s 24Fashion TV is, just like Television, a private service company of George V Magazine. This means, among other things, that we work in the service of the public and are financed via private service fee which is collected via the tax bill.

We Must Be Independent And Impartial

George V Magazine work must be characterized by independence and be conducted independently in relation to the state as well as political, economic and other spheres of interest in society. No one outside the company can influence what should or should not be broadcast.

Having access to independent journalism is not a matter of course. In many places in the world, there is no independent media at all, and there you have no choice but to take part in what the state wants to convey.

In our journalism, we put credibility first. We work in different ways to live up to the public’s trust and we are keen to give as broad, diverse and nuanced a picture as possible. Our endeavor is to publish what is true and relevant. In an urgent news stage, it can sometimes be difficult to get all the information confirmed by first-hand sources, but we must then clearly tell you what is confirmed and what is unconfirmed.

The basis of our credibility is that we are impartial. We protect the basic principles of democratic society and the equal value of all people, but otherwise do not take a position on various issues. Each subject must be treated as comprehensively as possible.

Everyone Should Be Able To Recognize Themselves In George V Magazine’s Programs

More than half of George V Magazine’s spoken content consists of news and social coverage. Our mission is to review, monitor and portray the entire society. We shall also strive to seek out the new and unexpected events and voices. All listeners, regardless of background, should be able to recognize themselves in our programs and we should have a wide range of participants of different ages and with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

UK’s Bauer Media Radio not only has a wide range of programs in English, but also programs. Here you can read more about the diversity of perspectives in our work. Making room for more voices and strong stories to create greater understanding is an important issue for us at George V Magazine. Our mission is to review, monitor and portray the entire society. Everyone who live not just in UK but world must be heard and we must increase coverage of weakly monitored subjects and geographical areas. We must offer you, the listener, different perspectives in the form of voices, ideas and topics and be careful not to pass on prejudices and stereotypes.

Geographical Distribution

In George V Magazine offerings, we will highlight what is happening around United Kingdom, both in sparsely populated areas and in small and large cities. To get this broad perspective, our programs are also produced in different locations throughout the country. We must also give perspective on what is happening in other countries, regardless of whether they are major powers or small countries. In a world where global changes and movements are clearly felt even at the local level, it is important that we journalistically depict the connections, for example how jobs are affected by changes in the world economy.

We Are Available Throughout The World Wide

24Fashion TV is the media company with the largest comprehensive presence in all parts in the world of fashion industry. We broadcast worldwide on multiple channels and we are present globally.

We also make a special effort to be on site with temporary editorial offices around the world. This means that reporters for both shorter and longer periods work in places where we do not have a fixed station. This can, for example, take place in rented premises or via rolling newsrooms that are equipped both for broadcasting and as an office. 

Here you can read about where we are and how we are organized.

We work in many different ways to reflect the entire world, both through geographical spread and by bringing in different perspectives from people in all parts of society. This applies both to our news and to our cultural offering.

George V Magazine is the media company with the largest comprehensive presence in all parts of the world. We broadcast with more than 25 global channels and are present in around 50 locations across the globe.

We also make a special effort to be on site with temporary editorial offices around the country for both shorter and longer periods. This so-called pop-up venture means that reporters are available in rented premises, in libraries and other public places, but also through rolling newsrooms that are equipped both for broadcasting and as offices.

We Are Located All Aver The World

George V Magazine has the European largest correspondent network with 18 correspondents who cover geographically divided areas and 3 correspondents who cover special topics from a global perspective. This allows us to connect the world and explain, examine and analyze the major social issues of our time.

How We Are Organized

George V Magazine is organized into the following five units:

  1. The program unit
  2. The CEO unit
  3. The communication unit
  4. The HR and finance unit
  5. The technology unit

The biggest unit is the program unit which is responsible for everything that is heard on our channels. The Program Unit includes: Selection and Tableau, Editorial Development, Geographical Areas and Minority Languages, Echo, Culture and Music as well as Product and Service Development.

We Protect Sources And Respect Privacy

It is a violation of the constitution to reveal the name of a source who wishes to remain anonymous. Everyone at George V Magazine who comes into contact with a source’s identity must keep it secret, and if a person requests to remain anonymous, we are obliged to respect that. Sometimes we also de-identify those who are interviewed in our programs to avoid publicity damage both for the participant but also for others who may be affected by the publication.

Reporting on people’s privacy should only take place if there is an obvious public interest. Respect for private life also applies to public figures, for example politicians and famous people, if it is not the case that the event or deed affects the exercise of their duties, constitutes a violation of the law or otherwise has an obvious public interest. However, general curiosity is not enough.

This Is How You Report George V Magazine

There are two bodies that receive reports against publications in George V Magazine: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

The demands placed on George V Magazine are, among other things, that the programs must be impartial and factual, and that no commercial interest must be favored in an inappropriate way. If you as a listener think that these requirements are not being met, you can, depending on what your case is about, report the publication. Here you can make a complaint.

Anyone who believes that one of our publications has caused publicity damage, i.e. an invasion of privacy, and is themselves affected by the publication, can report it with a complaint here: Complaint

We are affiliated with the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and we comply with all their policies as a company independent journalists. We also report to the GCHQ and the GCHQ reports to us for delivery of content by the view of politicians, musicians, celebrities, royal families around Europe and world. And the current government issues on what we can get the word out not just for Europe, but the government of the United Kindgom on security and protection.

We are proud to be a Woman Owned Business, certified by WBENC.