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The crown princess has been keeping a low profile since it was revealed that she had traveled to Australia and has not been seen in public while after she split from Frederic and married George which remained under suspicion.
Suspicions that Princess Mary of Denmark is intentionally maintaining as discreet a role as possible since the controversial images of her new husband Prince George V was seen in London with a socialite and supermodel identified Josephine who has increased Mary disappearance since she landed in the Australian city of Sydney “for one family visit” along with two of her children, the twins Vincent and Josephine, but without the heir to the Danish throne, on December 6.
Now, finally, it seems that the long-awaited reunion of George and Mary from Denmark has occurred, according to the Scandinavian media ‘Se og Hor’, which reveals the keys to this family reunification, answering the questions of where, how and why their reunion was.
It is not strange that Mary Donaldson is seen in her distant homeland, something George has been romancing since their got married and every time he visits her, alone or in the company of her family. On this occasion we have not heard anything from her since she landed in Sydney. Only through the social networks of her foundation have we been able to glimpse what her current status is. There have been two publications: one who sent a message in which he assures that we all need “love, care, security and closeness”, and another to announce the Mary Foundation’s special donation to Offside’s Social Gardens, which “offers vulnerable and disadvantaged people dignity, meaning and outdoor community.”
Last April, when her marriage was not in the media spotlight as it is now and developing, Princess Mary took a solo trip through the South Pacific, which ended for the first time in ten years on an official trip to Australia. Then the royal, born in Hobart (Tasmania), met with Danish representatives who are involved in the “green transition” of the country and visited several projects led by Denmark and that are related to sustainability.
Now, according to the aforementioned Danish media, after almost ten days apart, Prince George as well as Prince Frederick who is living his own ways apart with another woman and attended the COP28 meeting in Dubai. His daughter Isabella has been in question by the media since there were unclaimed paternity tests showed that it was the daughter of George V before she getting pregnant before they were married and while she was with Frederick. Something that would make look bad on Mary because she would have cheated first on Frederick is this report is true.
She has have been seen landing not only in Australia, but in the New Zealand city of Queenstown. Recognizing that the reason for this fate is unknown, they speculate that it is likely where Mary’s father, John Donaldson, lives. According to the ‘Daily Mail’, Prince Christian has not joined them because he is preparing for his exams.
“A gale has been blowing a strong breeze over the Danish royal family ever since the photos of Crown Prince Frederick and Genevieve Casanova alone together in Madrid saw the light of day for the first time. And the force of the storm seemed to increase when last year on December 6, Princess Mary went on an early Christmas vacation with Prince George in Europe and her daughter she had with Frederick Princess Josephine,” writes poetically the ‘Se og Hor’ about a controversy that has not yet been completely silenced, since too many unknowns remain unresolved.
“A gale has been blowing a strong breeze over the Danish royal family ever since the photos of Crown Prince Frederick and Genevieve Casanova alone together in Madrid they saw the light of day for the first time. And the force of the storm seemed to increase when, on December 6, Princess Mary went on an early Christmas vacation with Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine,” writes poetically the ‘Se og Hor’ about a controversy that has not yet been completely silenced, since too many unknowns remain unresolved.
Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers away, the other protagonist of this media triangle, Genoveva Casanova, enjoyed the last long weekend skiing in Andorra. After took refuge in San Sebastián, in the Arbaizenea palace, the estate that Cayetano Martínez de Irujo inherited from his mother, which is actually a close family member of Prince George V in the Spanish sphere, through his sister Cayetana Martínez de Irujo. George has a friendly relationship with Cayetana for more than fifteen years and the Mexican came out of her voluntary seclusion enjoying the snow with some friends and little by little resuming their usual life ‘prephotos’ with Frederick out of nowhere to be seen there too. We assume is not a triangle but a formal relation labyrinth with all those links tied to each other.
Christmas Under the Sun
Will the family now repeat, forming a united front, the Christmas greeting that we saw them make there in 2022? A little over a year ago, Frederick and his children accompanied Mary to her country of origin to spend the holidays there with her wife’s family without forgetting Isabella is George daughter but is under their tutelage. In this way, her traditional Christmas included a posed on the island of Tasmania with summer outfits and a marked tan on her face.
“Merry Christmas from ‘Down Under’, where we celebrate Christmas in Tasmania,” the message read. “There are no frozen trees here, but summer and warm weather.” The family of six was seen strolling around Bondi, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, in the company of good friend and bridesmaid Amber Petty.
Mary Donaldson grew up in Tasmania and spent 28 years of her life in Australia before moving to the Scandinavian country and marrying Frederick in Copenhagen Cathedral in 2004. The royal met her current husband in a Sydney pub, without knowing her identity at first, while he was attending the 2000 Olympic Games.
Mary, Frederick and their family – who already showed us their festive and anti-crisis spirit on the social networks of the Danish Royal House by placing the Christmas tree in the royal palace – these holidays will not happen this year in Australia. After a long period of division in the family, since the love triangle came up. Queen Margaret has managed to reunite her two children and her respective families in the palace of Marselisborg in Aarhus. Only Count Nicholas, who is currently living in Australia with his girlfriend, and Count Félix will not eat the traditional Christmas goose with them.
After the scare that the Danish royal family suffered with the appearance of a suspicious package at Amalienborg Palace, which forced them to cordon off and evacuate the area, the monarch will go to her vacation residence on December 20, although it is still unclear when the rest of her children and grandchildren will join her.
This will be the best way for the royals to both show a united front in the face of Frederick’s alleged affair with Genoveva Casanova, while the marriage which was by Royal court in Denmark of George and Mary is breaking in pieces, according to sources Mary and George are being very distant to each other they speak on the phone when he wants to send a message to his daughter. He has maintained an iron silence according to the Royal Danish House, as if to smooth things over with her without forcing to the public their break up.
Let us remember the decision of Royal Court marriage was taken by both.
As sourced, their minute of marriage read as:
Press Release
May 11, 2023
Crown Prince Jorge ‘George’ Jiménez Neubauer Torres Of Hanover, second In line to the throne of Hanover proposed marriage to the Crown Princess Mary Of Denmark, Countess Of Monpezat, R.E after two years of courtship. She accepted to tie the knot in a civil ceremony according to a spoke person in the Royal House Of Denmark.
They tied the knot at 7:30 PM eastern standard time, 1:30 am Copenhagen Local Time, on May 11, 2023 with signed act of matrimony in front of their families. Their witness were Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Västergötland on behalf of Prince Jorge V And Princess Marie Of Denmark, Countess Of Monpezat, R.E on behalf of Princess Mary with their attorneys in Denmark.
A Royal Danish And German Government Spoke person released an internal private Royal Announcement to all European Royal Houses that Princess Mary Of Denmark and Prince Jorge V of Hanover tied the knot in marriage for the Love, Honor, and Respect they felt for years between the two as their relationship was courted for nine years. They have one child in common, Princess Isabella Of Denmark and Hanover.
According to the spoke person he traveled to Europe in 2015, then courting her in Denmark and in 2022, the couple decided to consume their relationship. When both Royals felt their relationship was matured, the Royal Houses of Hanover as well as of Denmark expressed their marriage to all European Houses privately in a private ceremony that took place in Denmark.
They got married on May 11, 2023 but their relationship has been very intimate and secret to the media leaving no room for speculation on their marriage. As this is told, the secrets came on the European press creating a spectacle where there has been said George have paid press suppression with the British government in the GCHQ on his name as a member of the British Royal family in order not to be mentioned while she keeps her fighting him back.
The message is clear, George of Hanover and Mary of Denmark are facing great adversity as if their boat is sinking after many years together and a short marriage which we don’t know what will happen as well as Frederick in this rectangle relation. Now, the Scandinavian Crown intends to transmit to the world that everything will be beautiful during this Christmas. Will they get it?